Sunday, October 5, 2014

Digital Badge #F

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    I really like the way you are boldly exploring these new web 2.0 tool frontiers! This time you went to one of my all time favorite collaboration tools. Padlet is so easy to set up and can be used as a KWL or to build a project or to even have a conversation about a particular subject (how about a book report?)

    You also raise a number of valid questions in your reflection. I can say from my own experience that if questions and projects are framed correctly, teachers will likely identify any student's plagiarism issues. In fact, if teachers identify their student's writing at the beginning of the school year they can readily identify when students reproduce information. My own personal stance is not 'catching' students doing wrong, but trying to emphasize how to do it right! :)
